What are the features of Choice integration with Bolt Food?
No manual order transfers, no delays, and mistakes
1 tablet for order management
Now you don't need a separate tablet for Bolt orders
Team time savings
A unified order management system will speed up and simplify the order processing for your team
Instant integration
Connecting Bolt to Choice is a few simple steps
Integration with popular POS systems
You take an order from the marketplace and it is automatically transferred to your POS.
Easy management of all delivery orders
Convenient menu management
Add and modify items in Choice, and all data will be automatically transmitted to the Bolt app
Quick processing of all orders
In one interface, you see all orders: both directly and from courier service apps
How Choice integration with Bolt works
You can process all Bolt orders in the Choice Business app
When a customer places an order in the Bolt app, it goes to Choice Business and your POS system, you process it and hand it over to the courier service
The customer places an order in the Bolt app, as before. Nothing changes for the customer
How to connect Bolt
If you have a STORE ADDRESS ID from Bolt, integration will take just a few clicks.
The establishment representative provides Bolt with the necessary data and signs the contract (according to the instructions)
Bolt provides STORE ADDRESS ID and a link to the menu file
In the Choice account under Integrations / Marketplace / Bolt, you need to enter STORE ADDRESS ID and activate the integration
After integration, the old menu in the Bolt account of the establishment is turned off. Now the menu items from Choice will be displayed here. The establishment representative can configure what should be available in the Bolt menu
Connect Choice with Bolt today,
to immediately optimize the delivery order process, simplify the team's work with aggregators, and don’t worry about all processes and operational issues. Integration with Bolt is also available, which you can learn more about here.