Политика куков


This information applies for the use of the websites www.choiceqr.com and www.chooice.app operated by Choice QR s.r.o., Identification Number: 09517600, registered office Rybná 716/24, Staré Město, 110 00 Prague 1, entered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, file reference C 337491 (hereinafter «Operator» or «we»). You can contact us at the registered office, or by e-mail at [email protected]

Cookies and other network identifiers

  1. If you use our website, then we, and with our permission also third parties, store small identificational files on your computer that are collectively referred to as cookies; these enable us to recognise whether you return to our website from the same computer, remember some of your choices, and verify whether you belong to a group to which a particular advertisement is to be displayed. A cookie is a small file of letters and numbers which we store in your internet browser or on your computer’s hard drive. Some cookies enable us to connect your activities while browsing our website, from the time you open a web browser window to the time you close it, while others remain on the device for a set time, and are activated every time you visit the website that created the particular cookie.
  2. We also use measuring pixels or pixel tags (sometimes also called web beacons), which are small images on the website that have a similar function to cookies, and are designed to collect certain information from your device (for example its IP address, or the browser type). Unlike cookies, which are stored on your computer’s hard drive, pixel tags are a fixed component of the website.
  3. For simplicity, from here on in we shall refer to all afore-mentioned technologies as cookies in this document. We not only store cookies on your device, but also read cookies that our website stored on your device; for simplicity, from here on in we shall talk about storage in this document.
  4. The Operator does not use any of the afore-mentioned network identifiers to identify you as an individual by assigning your identification or contact details which they have at their disposal to the identifier.
  5. We use cookies and other network identifiers for the purposes set forth below, in particular to improve the functioning of our website and display relevant advertisements.
  6. Some cookies are stored directly on your device by our website, these cookies help us to:
    — identify you when you switch between individual pages on our website, and on return visits (for example so that we can remember your login details from a specific device, and not ask you repeatedly for your e-mail address and password);
    — note the fact that you granted us consent as per this document;
    — ensure security (for example so that we can investigate whether someone misused your connection to our website);
    — record, examine and eliminate faults and non-functional components of our website.
  7. Such cookies and other files are necessary for the proper functioning of our website. If you block these cookies in your browser, then our website may not function properly, as a result of which we may not be able to provide our products and services to you.
  8. We also store cookies from our website on your device, which enable us to:
    — monitor traffic on our website and individual pages thereof, create statistics and overviews, and measure the effectiveness of advertising;
    — display different variants of our website to you, if we’re testing new functions;
    — adapt the content of our website for you, for example preferentially display products to you that you’ve already viewed, and display other tailored offers to you on our website.
  9. We also allow third parties to store cookies on your device, which they can use for the following purposes:
    — to collect information about your behaviour on our website and other websites;
    — to display adapted offers and targeted advertisements within the scope of advertising networks on websites other than our own;
    — to link with social networks such as Facebook, including automatic login, to provide functions such as the «Like» button, and to display adapted offers and targeted advertisements on these social networks and on websites other than our own;
  10. You can refuse the storage of these cookies when you visit the website www.choiceqr.com.
  11. We do not only obtain information about your behaviour on the website from cookies. We also supplement them with some other information, such as for example: (i) your device’s IP address, (ii) MAC address, (iii) your device’s operating system, and its version and language settings, (iv) the browser you use on your device, and its version and language settings and (v) the website (URL) address from which you access our website.
  12. We process this information about your behaviour on the website on the basis of our legitimate interest, which is:
    — improving our services for you, if the purpose of the processing is to obtain information on whose basis we‘ll be able to improve the website for you in the future;
    — measuring the effectiveness of our website and advertising costs, if the purpose of the processing is to create statistics and overviews, in particular to monitor traffic on our website and individual pages thereof; and to measure the effectiveness of advertising;
    — the problem-free functioning of our services for you, if the purpose of the processing is the testing of new functions and applications before deployment (especially to prevent problems with the functioning of these novelties during actual operation);
    — the problem-free functioning of our services for you, and the security of your data, if the purpose of the processing is to prevent attacks on our website and the endangering of its functioning and the security of your data.
  13. We use the afore-mentioned information for these purposes for a period of 12 months. You have the right to raise an objection against this processing.
  14. We may also use information about your behaviour on the website to adapt our website and display targeted advertisements, as well as hand it over to operators of social and advertising networks for the purposes of displaying targeted advertisements.
  15. All standard browsers allow you to set whether cookies shall be stored on your computer, and delete cookies that are already stored there.
  16. If you have enabled cookies and you visit our website, then you thereby consent to the use of cookies according to this information and the rules of the operators of the individual systems set forth below.
  17. Some cookies and other network identifiers on our website are completely or partly operated by third parties. These parties have their own conditions that govern the use of the network identifiers. Please also familiarise yourself with these conditions:
  18. You can obtain more detailed information about Google’s rules here.
  19. You can obtain more detailed information about the Facebook system’s rules here.

Your rights

In the extent in which cookies constitute personal data, legal regulations governing personal data protection guarantee you various rights in the area of personal data protection: in the extent guaranteed to you by personal data protection regulations – in particular the GDPR – you can request access to your personal data from us (i.e. information regarding what specific data of yours we’re working with, and how we’re working with it), a restriction of the processing of your data (this means that for now we won’t delete the data, but we won’t work with it), and its correction and deletion (always if the legal conditions for this are fulfilled); you can also raise an objection against the processing, and avail of your right to data portability. To exercise any of these rights, please contact us using the afore-mentioned contact details – the easiest way is to send us an e-mail, and we shall be happy to assist you with exercising your rights. If you believe that our processing of your personal data breaches legal regulations, you can file a complaint with the national supervisory authority (for the Czech Republic, this is the Office for Personal Data Protection, www.uoou.cz).